Teeth Whitening

Quick Summary
Teeth Whitening
Causes of Discoloration
Age, disease, certain foods/drinks, medications, oral health, etc.
Treatment Methods
At-home and in-office dental treatments such as gels, trays, strips, UV light
Side Effects
Tooth sensitivity and mild irritation
Final Results
With some treatments, results can be seen in 30 to 90 minutes while other methods can take a few weeks or months to see optimal results
Duration of Results
The effects of teeth whitening can last up to 2-3 years or as little as 6 months
Teeth Whitening Cost
The average cost is between$10 and $1,500 depending on the type of treatment.

What is teeth whitening?

Your smile is one of the first things a person notices about you. The color of your teeth alone can dictate how people perceive you— the whiter the teeth, the better the first impression. Teeth whitening is the most commonly performed cosmetic dental procedure. Its quickness, effectiveness, and affordability make it accessible to the masses and an almost vital part of modern-day appearance upkeep.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

The cost of teeth whitening varies widely based on the type of product used, frequency of use, and the whether or not it’s administered at home or by a professional, such as a cosmetic dentist. The following is the average cost of teeth whitening treatments:

  • Over-the counter whitening costs: $10 to $100
  • Prescribed take home whitening tray costs: $100 to $400
  • In-office teeth whitening costs: $650 to $1,500

Teeth whitening is a purely cosmetic treatment and therefore not covered by any dental insurance policy.

Cost of common treatment methods

Many variations of teeth whitening are available, at the dentist’s office and at home. The correct option depends on the individual’s level of discoloration, desired whiteness, and budget.

Dental (in office) Treatments

  • Whitening Gels– Average Cost: $650 to $1,500
    • A dental clinician applies a high concentration hydrogen peroxide gel to the teeth for a short amount of time, usually between 15 and 45 minutes. The gel may be removed and reapplied throughout the procedure to maximize results.
    • Pros: immediate results, fast procedure.
    • Cons: Costly, more intense tooth sensitivity following procedure compared to home treatments.
  • Take-home trays– Average Cost: $100 to $400
    • Although technically people use these at home, the take-home tray method is administered by a dentist. First, molds will be taken of the teeth to create the trays. Next, the patient takes the molds home and applies a moderate concentration hydrogen peroxide gel into the front part of the tray. The molds are typically worn overnight for a series of weeks or months.
    • Pros: Convenient, more effective than over-the-counter home treatments. Many are also offered over the counter and cost under $100.
    • Cons: More expensive than over the counter treatments, increased tooth sensitivity compared to whitening strips, patient must be consistent with treatments to achieve desired results.
  • UV light treatments– Average Cost: $650 to $1,500
    • Dentists use UV light applied to the teeth during the whitening gel procedure to increase speed and efficacy of treatment. UV light works at a different frequency than LED blue light and may be more effective in whitening.
    • Pros: Speeds up the whitening process, with more visible results than in-office whitening gels alone.
    • Cons: Most expensive; light treatment is not effective without the active ingredient in the whitening gel, so both procedures must be purchased.

Home Treatments

  • Whitening strips– Average cost: $10 to $60
    • Clear, plastic strips are applied to both the top and bottom teeth. The strips contain a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide gel and sit on the teeth for between 30 minutes and 2 hours. The strips are disposable and must be used consistently for 2-3 weeks for maximum results.
    • Pros: Less expensive than in-office whitening, widely available, effective if used properly, creates less tooth sensitivity than take-home trays.
    • Cons: Patient must be consistent with treatments to achieve desired results; lower concentration of chemical means it takes longer to get the same whitening effects as in-office treatment.
  • Whitening toothpaste– Average Cost: $4 to $7
    • Some contain low concentrations of hydrogen peroxides, but many do not. Instead, they use abrasives like hydrated silica, sodium bicarbonate, and calcium carbonate to remove surface stains.
    • Pros: less expensive than whitening strips, people who cannot do bleaching treatments for health reasons may be able to use whitening toothpastes, convenient (most people already brush their teeth twice daily).
    • Cons: not as effective as treatments containing hydrogen peroxide, short treatment time — the time it takes to brush your teeth— yields less effective results.
  • Whitening rinses – Average Cost: $4 to $7
    • These rinses come in the form of the typical over the counter mouthwash and claim to whiten teeth. Many contain low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.
    • Pros: Inexpensive, easily accessible, and convenient.
    • Cons: Not likely to give results based on treatment time and low concentrations of whitening agents.
  • LED Blue Light– Average Cost: $25 to $200
    • Touted by many celebrities as their go-to teeth whiteners, these hand-held LED blue lights are said to whiten teeth in a similar way that UV light is used in the dentist’s office. However, studies are conflicting on the efficacy of this method. Some have found that UV light is necessary to achieve the quickened results, and home LED lights are typically not in the UV frequencies. Most agree that the light alone will not whiten teeth. It must be paired with a chemical agent to cause any lightening to occur.
    • Pros: Convenient, may make home whitening faster.
    • Cons: May or may not be as quick and potent as claimed by marketing.
  • Whitening pens– Average Cost: $10 to $60
    • This on-the-go whitening method is meant to be carried along in a purse or pocket for easy, convenient use after consumption of a tooth-staining food or drink. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide is low, since the person may ingest a small amount.
    • Pros: Easy, convenient, affordable, may maintain already white teeth.
    • Cons: Does not contribute to teeth whitening, although it may prevent staining.

Is tooth whitening right for you?

If you have mild to moderate stains, discoloration, or dental fluorosis (white spotting on teeth), have no active infections, and are not pregnant, tooth whitening may work for you.

You should avoid teeth whitening treatments if you have dental crowns or large fillings in the areas to be treated, have tooth decay, or have gums exposing yellow roots.

Talk to your dentist to see if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening.

Why teeth become discolored

Discoloration of the teeth is due to numerous factors that come together to dull a bright smile, including:

  • Age
  • Disease
  • Certain foods or drinks (such as coffee, many vegetables, soda, and acidic foods)
  • Medications
  • Drug and/or tobacco use
  • Certain mouth rinses
  • Inadequate oral health
  • Genetic factors.

Basics of how teeth whitening works

Teeth whitening works in one of two ways: either stains are physically removed from the teeth, or chemical reactions cause lightening of the teeth. Both result in the appearance of whiter teeth and a brighter smile.

The active ingredient in most teeth bleaching products is either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The chief components that affect the results of whitening via peroxide chemicals are concentration and time; the higher the concentration of the chemical, the faster the results. However, studies have shown that people can get the same results with lower concentrations, just over a longer period of time. This finding has made home whitening products a popular method of treatment.

How long will your results last?

The duration of teeth whitening results can vary depending on several factors, including the method used, individual habits, and oral hygiene practices. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. In-office professional whitening: Typically, the effects of professional teeth whitening performed by a dentist or dental professional can last from six months to two years. However, this can vary based on individual factors and lifestyle choices.
  2. At-home whitening kits: Over-the-counter whitening kits or custom-made whitening trays provided by a dentist can produce results that last between a few months to a year. The duration may vary depending on the product’s strength and frequency of use.
  3. Whitening toothpaste: Whitening toothpaste can help remove surface stains and maintain the brightness of your teeth. However, they are not as effective as professional treatments. Regular use is required to maintain the results, but the effects are typically temporary.
  4. Lifestyle factors: The longevity of teeth whitening results can be influenced by personal habits such as smoking, consuming stain-causing foods and beverages (coffee, tea, red wine), and poor oral hygiene. These factors can lead to new stains and discoloration, reducing the longevity of the whitening effects.

Remember that individual experiences may vary, and it’s essential to consult with your dentist for personalized advice on teeth whitening and maintenance based on your specific situation. They can provide recommendations tailored to your needs and help you achieve and maintain a brighter smile.

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